Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Listen to it.
Do you hear it?
The sound of keyboards clanking?
The teacher talking to the students about how loud they are?
The fact that the students just don't care?
Or the fact that they really don't want to be in here?
Have you ever thought abot what someone is really feeling inside?
Or do you just judge them based on what you want to see?
Do you take the time to get to know someone?
Or do you diss them based on who they are on the outside?

Do you know what it's like to be the "nobody"?

Does it make sense that people don't take the time?
That they just don't want to know the "real" someone?

Have you ever felt like someone just doesn't understand?

Do you hear that?
Kids talking about drugs and fighting?
What has this society come to?
Does it make you unsafe?
Does it make you feel like you just don't belong?
Do you wonder where someone went wrong with their children?

Is it their fault, or was it the way they were brought up?

Did they have a choice?
Did they get to make their own decisions?
Did their parents bring them up correctly?
Did they have bad influences around as they were growing up?

What was going through their minds?

Do people think about what their wearing before they leave their house in the morning?
Do they care that they are degrading themselves?
Do they care what other people think of them?
Or are they like me?
Do they "dance to the beat of their own drum?"

Be who you want to be, not what others want to see.

1 comment:

  1. Sweetie- This is SUCH an excellent piece of writing!

    I LOVE that you're doing this!

